picture above: Baldy and Galena from past Avery with snow on lower southern facing slopes showing bare ground, if only for a day, Nov. 09
This section of the site will house the many years of weather data and the records set over that time (similar to most wickets taken in a match, or most runs scored, but with weather, not cricket). This will be added to over a long period of time when i have free moments to work on it. For now the only page is the records by winter page, found on the tab under the Records by winter heading as well as a summary table page.
Entries are as follows:
--High temperature is the number of days with the high for that date
--Low temperature is the number of days with the low for that date
--Lowest high is the number of days with the coldest high temperature for any given date
--Highest low is the number of days with warmest low temperature for that day
--Days with most snowfall is the number of days in that winter which had the most snow for a given date
--Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date is the number of days in that winter which had the most snowfall total to that date
--Days with deepest snowpack is the number of days in a given winter in which at any given date had the most snow on the ground
--Days with lowest snowpack is the number of days which at that point had the least snow on the ground. This is now counting only the period of Nov. 15 through May 01 as so many winters have no snow on the ground before and after those dates
--Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing is counting the consecutive days at or below freezing, so one day above freezing starts the count over again. This is mostly for interest and may not always have real significance as there could be an icy cold winter broken up by a warm day here and there to make the number low.
Entries are as follows:
--High temperature is the number of days with the high for that date
--Low temperature is the number of days with the low for that date
--Lowest high is the number of days with the coldest high temperature for any given date
--Highest low is the number of days with warmest low temperature for that day
--Days with most snowfall is the number of days in that winter which had the most snow for a given date
--Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date is the number of days in that winter which had the most snowfall total to that date
--Days with deepest snowpack is the number of days in a given winter in which at any given date had the most snow on the ground
--Days with lowest snowpack is the number of days which at that point had the least snow on the ground. This is now counting only the period of Nov. 15 through May 01 as so many winters have no snow on the ground before and after those dates
--Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing is counting the consecutive days at or below freezing, so one day above freezing starts the count over again. This is mostly for interest and may not always have real significance as there could be an icy cold winter broken up by a warm day here and there to make the number low.