picture above: The meanders (center bottom), August 26, of the East River a few miles south of Gothic during August monsoon weather, which usually comes in July
Today's Weather, Sunday, September 15: clear and cool until clouds move in jut after sunrise to become cloudy by midmorning, then some clearing. It turns cloudy and raining early afternoon before some clearing again, then cloudy with light evening rain.
Live Station Cameras
The Station Camera, below, is located at the weather station.
--Current view: Gothic Mountain
--The windy.com web page has taken the camera put it on a fast 24-hour run-through. You can clink on the station camera to see it.
-- usually if there is little to no visibility the camera will focus on either the nearby road area, the snow board, the river or other close views
-- you can back track on the view by up to 12 hours by using the time bar at the bottom of the feed
-- there is sometimes a delay or a slow connection. If so, you can go directly to the YouTube page by clicking here
--Current view: Gothic Mountain
--The windy.com web page has taken the camera put it on a fast 24-hour run-through. You can clink on the station camera to see it.
-- usually if there is little to no visibility the camera will focus on either the nearby road area, the snow board, the river or other close views
-- you can back track on the view by up to 12 hours by using the time bar at the bottom of the feed
-- there is sometimes a delay or a slow connection. If so, you can go directly to the YouTube page by clicking here
The Station Camera, below, is located north of the station.
Current view: upper East River valley
--The windy.com web page has taken the camera on a fast 24-hour run-through. You can clink on the up-valley camera link to see it
-- usually if there is little to no visibility the camera will focus on either the nearby road area, the snow board, the river or other close views
-- you can back track on the view by up to 12 hours by using the time bar at the bottom of the feed
--You can go directly to the camera on the YouTube page by clicking here
Today's weather data for Gothic, September 15, 2024, as of 6:05 p.m. MDT
Low temperature: -1ºC (30ºF)
High Temperature: 15ºC (59ºF)
Current temperature: 9ºC (48ºF)
Cloud cover: cloudy
Wind: 2-5 SW (strongest wind between ground and 45,000 feet is 54 mph SW at 39,000 feet elevation; also 4 mph East at 98,000 feet)
Precipitation: sunset September 14 to sunrise September 15: with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" of water content, 0.00" rain
Precipitation sunrise to sunset today: with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" water content, 0.08" rain
Precipitation today, currently: none, with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" water content, 0.08" rain
Current snowpack: 0 cm (0")
Snow water content (SWE) of snowpack to the nearest half inch: 0 (last year was 0")
Precipitation data this snow year (starting September 01) as of sunrise September 15
Winters deepest snowpack: 0 cm (0") on September 01
Total snowfall this winter: 0 cm (0")
Total water content from snowfall (SWE) this winter: 0.00"
Total rain this snow-year (since Sept. 01): 0.71"
Total precipitation this snow-year: 0.71"
Low temperature: -1ºC (30ºF)
High Temperature: 15ºC (59ºF)
Current temperature: 9ºC (48ºF)
Cloud cover: cloudy
Wind: 2-5 SW (strongest wind between ground and 45,000 feet is 54 mph SW at 39,000 feet elevation; also 4 mph East at 98,000 feet)
Precipitation: sunset September 14 to sunrise September 15: with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" of water content, 0.00" rain
Precipitation sunrise to sunset today: with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" water content, 0.08" rain
Precipitation today, currently: none, with 0 cm (0") new snow containing 0.00" water content, 0.08" rain
Current snowpack: 0 cm (0")
Snow water content (SWE) of snowpack to the nearest half inch: 0 (last year was 0")
Precipitation data this snow year (starting September 01) as of sunrise September 15
Winters deepest snowpack: 0 cm (0") on September 01
Total snowfall this winter: 0 cm (0")
Total water content from snowfall (SWE) this winter: 0.00"
Total rain this snow-year (since Sept. 01): 0.71"
Total precipitation this snow-year: 0.71"
Soil Temperature and Moisture Content for sunrise September 15:
For complete data go to the soil temperature and moisture page, which was last updated through August 25 (the previous snow year ending August 31 is at soil 2022-23). Check out the detailed numbers to see the trends in these numbers which are changing substantially with any weather change. Any one-day change is shown as ↑ going up, ↓ going down, → holding steady.
At 5 cm (2") below surface: soil temperature average 43.9ºF, ↑ soil moisture content 13%, ↓
At 10 cm (4") below surface: soil temperature average 49.2ºF, ↑ soil moisture content 15%, →
At 20 cm (8") below surface: soil temperature average 51.2ºF, ↓ soil moisture content 17%, ↓
At 50 cm (20") below surface: soil temperature average 51.0ºF, → soil moisture content 12%, →
For complete data go to the soil temperature and moisture page, which was last updated through August 25 (the previous snow year ending August 31 is at soil 2022-23). Check out the detailed numbers to see the trends in these numbers which are changing substantially with any weather change. Any one-day change is shown as ↑ going up, ↓ going down, → holding steady.
At 5 cm (2") below surface: soil temperature average 43.9ºF, ↑ soil moisture content 13%, ↓
At 10 cm (4") below surface: soil temperature average 49.2ºF, ↑ soil moisture content 15%, →
At 20 cm (8") below surface: soil temperature average 51.2ºF, ↓ soil moisture content 17%, ↓
At 50 cm (20") below surface: soil temperature average 51.0ºF, → soil moisture content 12%, →
What is New and other Notes: The average rainfall for August (only since 1989) is 2.32 inches of water and this past August received 4.83". The highest recorded was 4.10" so this year easily topped that record.
A new table coming soon will show the daily averages for every winter day (November through May)
the 5 cm (2") below surface ground temperature on August 03 was the hottest of the summer at 89.1ºF.
For a detailed hour by hour weather forecast for Gothic go to the Colorado Avalanche Information Gothic weather forecast page.
A new table coming soon will show the daily averages for every winter day (November through May)
the 5 cm (2") below surface ground temperature on August 03 was the hottest of the summer at 89.1ºF.
For a detailed hour by hour weather forecast for Gothic go to the Colorado Avalanche Information Gothic weather forecast page.
Here is the animal activity for September 15 as of 3:30 p.m.
Bird Sightings: All birds with a √ next to them were seen on this day.
Stellar Jay √ Gray Jay √ Pine Grosbeak √ Mountain Chickadee √ Red Breasted Nuthatch √ Dark eyed Junco Pine Sisken American Crow √ Magpie Robin Northern Flicker √ White Crowned Sparrow |
Animal Sightings: The key for the mammals is v=visual, A= audible, t= track.
tree squirrel- a Red Fox- Mule Deer- Least chipmunk- v Marmot- Elk- a Golden mantled Ground Squirrel- √ |
"If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain" -Steven Wright
"The wind shows us how close to the edge we are". -Joan Didion
"Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together". ~Vista M. Kelly
"Only the mediocre are always at their best" -Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley (Al Franken)
"The wind shows us how close to the edge we are". -Joan Didion
"Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together". ~Vista M. Kelly
"Only the mediocre are always at their best" -Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley (Al Franken)
Some pictures of the area:
Gothic Weather Page Index:
Home page (this page- if you lived here you'd be home already)
Current Year, daily Description:
2023 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2023
2022 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2022
2021 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2021
2020 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2020
2019 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2019
2018 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2018
2017 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2017
2016 weather description- the last months of 2016 a written out daily weather summary description
notes on this site: explains what things mean and sampling methods, as well as a short video of the data site
contact- where you can send requests or suggestions about this web site from. Please do. (you don't write, you don't call. Was it something I said?)
Data: summary page and description of data
Daily data, current year- the 2024 data
2023 daily data- daily weather data for the 2023 calendar year.
2022 daily data- daily weather data for the 2022 calendar year.
2021 daily data- daily weather data for the 2021 calendar year.
2020 daily data- daily weather data for the 2020 calendar year.
2019 Daily data- daily weather data for the 2019 calendar year.
2018 daily data- daily weather data for the 2018 calendar year.
2017 daily data- daily weather data for the 2017 calendar year.
2016 daily data- daily weather data for the 2016 calendar year.
weekly weather summary- the past weeks weather summary and this winter's weather compared to the past 51 winters.
long term snow- snow totals month by month, and snow year by snow year, since fall, 1974 in both centimeters and inches
long term water- month by month and snow year by snow year water content of the snowfall
ground cover- the dates and number of consecutive days of snow on the ground for each winter, as well as date of snow melt drop under 100 and 50 cm
soil temperature and moisture- temperature information from underground at four different depths as well as the moisture content of the soil at those depths
daily high temperature => freezing- this table shows the number of days in each winter month over the years in which the daily high reached or surpassed freezing, the temperature when snow would melt
Records: this area will have info on the number of records, such as most snow on a given date, highest temperature and so on
records by winter: showing each winter and the number of record highs, lows, days with most snow etc. since 1974 as well as other info pertinent to that winter.
record summary table: a quick-look summary table of the records by winter
Monthly Data: The title page has all summarized data for each month for November through May starting in the fall of 1974 up until the current listed chronologically. The individual months below of June through October start from the 2000-2001 winter to current, except for snow totals which date back to 1974.
September- summary for September, 2000-2023
October- summary for October, 2000-2023
November- summary for November, 1974-2023
December- summary for December, 1974-2023
January- summary for January, 1975-2024
February- summary for February, 1975-2024
March- summaries for March, 1975-2024
April- summary for April, 1975-2024
May- summary for May, 1975-2024
June- summary for June, 2000-2024
July- summary for July, 2001-2024
August- summary for August, 2001-2024
Other Info- just a heading page for the underlying categories
animals- notes on siting and activity of winter animal life, updated June 02
photos and videos- an archive of photos that were on various site pages (in progress- well, actually little there to see)
ski and road, June 20- The snow is pretty much gone except at high elevations. The road through Gothic is open to Scofield Pass though snow packed near the pass so 4 wheel drive is necessary and people have been getting stuck.
links- links to other web sites people may find helpful
↑ ↓ → º ½
Home page (this page- if you lived here you'd be home already)
Current Year, daily Description:
2023 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2023
2022 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2022
2021 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2021
2020 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2020
2019 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2019
2018 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2018
2017 weather description- daily written summary for the calendar year 2017
2016 weather description- the last months of 2016 a written out daily weather summary description
notes on this site: explains what things mean and sampling methods, as well as a short video of the data site
contact- where you can send requests or suggestions about this web site from. Please do. (you don't write, you don't call. Was it something I said?)
Data: summary page and description of data
Daily data, current year- the 2024 data
2023 daily data- daily weather data for the 2023 calendar year.
2022 daily data- daily weather data for the 2022 calendar year.
2021 daily data- daily weather data for the 2021 calendar year.
2020 daily data- daily weather data for the 2020 calendar year.
2019 Daily data- daily weather data for the 2019 calendar year.
2018 daily data- daily weather data for the 2018 calendar year.
2017 daily data- daily weather data for the 2017 calendar year.
2016 daily data- daily weather data for the 2016 calendar year.
weekly weather summary- the past weeks weather summary and this winter's weather compared to the past 51 winters.
long term snow- snow totals month by month, and snow year by snow year, since fall, 1974 in both centimeters and inches
long term water- month by month and snow year by snow year water content of the snowfall
ground cover- the dates and number of consecutive days of snow on the ground for each winter, as well as date of snow melt drop under 100 and 50 cm
soil temperature and moisture- temperature information from underground at four different depths as well as the moisture content of the soil at those depths
daily high temperature => freezing- this table shows the number of days in each winter month over the years in which the daily high reached or surpassed freezing, the temperature when snow would melt
Records: this area will have info on the number of records, such as most snow on a given date, highest temperature and so on
records by winter: showing each winter and the number of record highs, lows, days with most snow etc. since 1974 as well as other info pertinent to that winter.
record summary table: a quick-look summary table of the records by winter
Monthly Data: The title page has all summarized data for each month for November through May starting in the fall of 1974 up until the current listed chronologically. The individual months below of June through October start from the 2000-2001 winter to current, except for snow totals which date back to 1974.
September- summary for September, 2000-2023
October- summary for October, 2000-2023
November- summary for November, 1974-2023
December- summary for December, 1974-2023
January- summary for January, 1975-2024
February- summary for February, 1975-2024
March- summaries for March, 1975-2024
April- summary for April, 1975-2024
May- summary for May, 1975-2024
June- summary for June, 2000-2024
July- summary for July, 2001-2024
August- summary for August, 2001-2024
Other Info- just a heading page for the underlying categories
animals- notes on siting and activity of winter animal life, updated June 02
photos and videos- an archive of photos that were on various site pages (in progress- well, actually little there to see)
ski and road, June 20- The snow is pretty much gone except at high elevations. The road through Gothic is open to Scofield Pass though snow packed near the pass so 4 wheel drive is necessary and people have been getting stuck.
links- links to other web sites people may find helpful
↑ ↓ → º ½
Thank you to Greg of the Desert Research Institute and Brian of Slopeside Technology for their support in maintaining instrumentation. Also to Dan Jones for equipment assistance and station set-up; for David Inouye and Art Mears and for advice, input and data analysis; and Jessica Lundquist for the online water content of the snowpack (snow pillows).