Winter Record Summaries, by winter (November through May).
Below are each individual winter period with the various number of records acquired by that winter.
Below are each individual winter period with the various number of records acquired by that winter.
Records for the winter of 2024-25, November through May, as of February 05:
Lowest daily temperature, November 20, -22½ºC (-8ºF), replacing -21½ºC (-07ºF) in 1988
Highest daily temperature, November 22, 10½ºC (51ºF), replacing 9½ºC (49ºF) in 2011
Highest daily temperature, November 23, 10ºC (50ºF), replacing 9½ºC (49ºF) in 2011
Highest daily temperature, December 21, 6ºC (43ºF), replacing 5½ºC (42ºF) in 1989
Highest daily temperature, December 22, 6ºC (43ºF), replacing 4ºC (39ºF) in 2019
Highest daily temperature, December 29, 7ºC (45ºF), replacing 5½ºC (42ºF) in 2017
Lowest daily temperature, January 10, -26½ºC (-16ºF), replacing -25½ºC (-14ºF) in 1984, 2016
Lowest high temperature, January 19, -13½ºC (08ºF), replacing -12ºC (10ºF) in 1984
Lowest high temperature, January 20, -14ºC (07ºF), replacing -12ºC (10ºF) in 1988
Lowest daily temperature, January 21, -33ºC (-27ºF), replacing -29½ºC (-21ºF) in 1984
Lowest daily temperature, January 23, -27ºC (-17ºF), replacing -25½ºC (-14ºF) in 1995
Warmest low temperature, February 02, -2ºC (28ºF), replacing -3½ºC (26ºF) in 2018
Warmest low temperature, February 03, -4ºC (25ºF), tying 2018
Highest daily temperature, February 03, 10½ºC (51ºF), replacing 4ºC (39ºF) in 1987
Highest daily temperature, February 04, 8½ºC (47ºF), replacing 4½ºC (40ºF) in 1995
Warmest low temperature, February 05, -½ºC (31ºF), replacing -4½ºC (24ºF) in 1999 and 2018
Warmest low temperature, February 06, -4½ºC (24ºF), tying 1995
Lowest daily temperature, November 20, -22½ºC (-8ºF), replacing -21½ºC (-07ºF) in 1988
Highest daily temperature, November 22, 10½ºC (51ºF), replacing 9½ºC (49ºF) in 2011
Highest daily temperature, November 23, 10ºC (50ºF), replacing 9½ºC (49ºF) in 2011
Highest daily temperature, December 21, 6ºC (43ºF), replacing 5½ºC (42ºF) in 1989
Highest daily temperature, December 22, 6ºC (43ºF), replacing 4ºC (39ºF) in 2019
Highest daily temperature, December 29, 7ºC (45ºF), replacing 5½ºC (42ºF) in 2017
Lowest daily temperature, January 10, -26½ºC (-16ºF), replacing -25½ºC (-14ºF) in 1984, 2016
Lowest high temperature, January 19, -13½ºC (08ºF), replacing -12ºC (10ºF) in 1984
Lowest high temperature, January 20, -14ºC (07ºF), replacing -12ºC (10ºF) in 1988
Lowest daily temperature, January 21, -33ºC (-27ºF), replacing -29½ºC (-21ºF) in 1984
Lowest daily temperature, January 23, -27ºC (-17ºF), replacing -25½ºC (-14ºF) in 1995
Warmest low temperature, February 02, -2ºC (28ºF), replacing -3½ºC (26ºF) in 2018
Warmest low temperature, February 03, -4ºC (25ºF), tying 2018
Highest daily temperature, February 03, 10½ºC (51ºF), replacing 4ºC (39ºF) in 1987
Highest daily temperature, February 04, 8½ºC (47ºF), replacing 4½ºC (40ºF) in 1995
Warmest low temperature, February 05, -½ºC (31ºF), replacing -4½ºC (24ºF) in 1999 and 2018
Warmest low temperature, February 06, -4½ºC (24ºF), tying 1995
Winter Record Summary for 2024-25, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 4
Lowest high temperatures: 2
Daily high temperatures: 7
Highest daily low temperatures: 4
Days with most snowfall on a given day: 0
Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0
Days with deepest snow pack: 0
Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0
Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 11, Jan. 05-15
Winters deepest snow pack: 90 cm (35½") on November 27
Daily low temperatures: 4
Lowest high temperatures: 2
Daily high temperatures: 7
Highest daily low temperatures: 4
Days with most snowfall on a given day: 0
Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0
Days with deepest snow pack: 0
Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0
Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 11, Jan. 05-15
Winters deepest snow pack: 90 cm (35½") on November 27
Winter Record Summary for 2022-23, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 9 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily high temperatures: 4 Highest daily low temperatures: 2 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 5 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 19 Winters deepest snow pack: 246 cm (97") on March 22 |
Winter Record Summary for 2023-24, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 2 Lowest high temperatures: 0 Daily high temperatures: 6 Highest daily low temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 1 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 18, January 03-19 Winters deepest snow pack: 164 cm (64½") on March 04 Substantial dust storm March 3 and 4 |
Winter Record Summary, 2020-21, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 4 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily high temperatures: 9 Highest daily low temperatures: 1 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 0 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 9 Winters deepest snow pack: 142 cm (56") on February 14 |
Winter Record Summary, 2021-22, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily high temperatures: 17 Highest daily low temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 15 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 11 Winters deepest snow pack: 175 cm (69") on March 07 Least amount of snowfall in a November, 30 cm (12"), replacing 37 cm (14½") in 2007 |
Winter Record Summary, 2018-19, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 8 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily high temperatures: 3 Highest daily low temperatures: 3 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 0 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 12 Winters deepest snow pack: 238 cm (93½") on March 09 |
Winter Record Summary, 2019-20, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 7 Lowest high temperatures: 0 Daily high temperatures: 11 Highest daily low temperatures: 2 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 1 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 4 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 10 Winters deepest snow pack: 141 cm (55½") on March 21 |
Winter Record Summary, 2016-17, November through May 31
Daily low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily high temperatures: 26 Highest daily low temperatures: 6 (was 7 at the time) Days with most snowfall on a given day: 3 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 14 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 2 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 12 Winters deepest snow pack: 231 cm (91") on January 13, February 28 |
Winter Record Summary, 2017-18, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 2 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily high temperatures: 14 (was 16 at the time, 2 have been broken) Highest daily low temperatures: 7 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 0 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack (after Nov. 15): 1 Also: Most consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 7 Winters deepest snow pack: 105 cm (41½") on March 23 |
Winter Record Summary, 2014-15, November through May
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 24 (was 36; 12 have since been beaten) Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 19 Also, there was the earliest date for rain (on March 19) as well as the earliest date to surpass 10ºC (50ºF) on February 06, beating the old record by a full month |
Winter Record Summary, 2015-16, November through May
Daily low temperatures: 6 (was 9, three records since been beaten) Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily high temperatures: 8 (was 17 that year, 9 records have since been beaten) Highest daily low temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given day: 4 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snow pack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 14 Winters deepest snow pack: 166 cm (65½") on February 01 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2013 through May 2014
Daily Low temperatures: 3 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 5 Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 5 Days with deepest snowpack: 2 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 11 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2012 through May 2013
Daily Low temperatures: 9 Lowest high temperatures: 5 Daily High temperatures: 5 Highest daily lows temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 1 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 12 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2011 through May 2012
Daily Low temperatures: 3 Lowest high temperatures: 0 Daily High temperatures: 20 (was 25; 5 have since been beaten) Highest daily lows temperatures: 5 (was 6 at the time) Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 34 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 10 This winter had the 2nd most number of days with the lowest snowpack |
Winter Record Summary, November 2010 through May 2011
Daily Low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 4 Daily High temperatures: 8 Highest daily lows temperatures: 9 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 10 Days with deepest snowpack: 7 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 16 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2009 through May 2010
Daily Low temperatures: 8 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 5 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 1 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 18 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2008 through May 2009
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 25 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 3 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 18 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2007 through May 2008
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 6 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 6 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 8 Days with deepest snowpack: 3 Days with lowest snowpack: 8 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 66 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2006 through May 2007
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 16 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 1 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 12 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2005 through May 2006
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 6 Highest daily lows temperatures: 8 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 24 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2004 through May 2005
Daily Low temperatures: 0 (was 2 at the time) Lowest high temperatures: 0 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 13 (was 14 at the time) Days with most snowfall on a given date: 7 Days with deepest snowpack: 1 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 14 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2003 through May 2004
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 2 Highest daily lows temperatures: 10 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 9 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 57 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2002 through May 2003
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 5 (was 7 at the time) Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with deepest snowpack: 6 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 13 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2001 through May 2002
Daily Low temperatures: 2 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 4 Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 3 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 6 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 46 |
Winter Record Summary, November 2000 through May 2001
Daily Low temperatures: 4 Lowest high temperatures: 6 Daily High temperatures: 11 Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 27 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1999 through May 2000
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 0 Daily High temperatures: 14 Highest daily lows temperatures: 14 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with maximum winter snow total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 2 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 17 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1998 through May 1999
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 2 Highest daily lows temperatures: 8 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 9 Days with maximum winter snow total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 9 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1997 through May 1998
Daily Low temperatures: 2 Lowest high temperatures: 5 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with maximum winter snow total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 33 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1996 through May 1997
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 4 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 6 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 11 Days with maximum winter snow total: 49 Days with deepest snowpack: 22 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 17 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1995 through May 1996
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 5 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 12 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 7 Days with maximum winter snow total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 26 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1994 through May 1995
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 4 Daily High temperatures: 5 Highest daily lows temperatures: 5 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 8 Days with maximum winter snowfall for the winter: 19 Days with deepest snowpack: 31 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 20 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1993 through May 1994
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 6 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 23 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1992 through May 1993
Daily Low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 3 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 3 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 17 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 50 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1991 through May 1992
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 3 Highest daily lows temperatures: 6 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 1 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 4 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 37 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1990 through May 1991
Daily Low temperatures: 11 Lowest high temperatures: 15 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 5 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 1 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 56 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1989 through May 1990
Daily Low temperatures: 0 Lowest high temperatures: 8 Daily High temperatures: 5 Highest daily lows temperatures: 1 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 6 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 29 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1988 through May 1989
Daily Low temperatures: 10 Lowest high temperatures: 8 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 2 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 48 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1987 through May 1988
Daily Low temperatures: 6 Lowest high temperatures: 5 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 1 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 51 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1986 through May 1987
Daily Low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 2 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 3 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 28 Days with deepest snowpack: 2 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 58 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1985 through May 1986
Daily Low temperatures: 2 Lowest high temperatures: 4 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 8 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 23 Days with deepest snowpack: 18 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 20 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1984 through May 1985
Daily Low temperatures: 7 Lowest high temperatures: 6 Daily High temperatures: 6 Highest daily lows temperatures: 4 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 5 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 32 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1983 through May 1984
Daily Low temperatures: 18 Lowest high temperatures: 14 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 3 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 18 Days with deepest snowpack: 21 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 47 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1982 through May 1983
Daily Low temperatures: 17 Lowest high temperatures: 8 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 1 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 1 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 15 (twice) |
Winter Record Summary, November 1981 through May 1982
Daily Low temperatures: 15 Lowest high temperatures: 13 Daily High temperatures: 2 Highest daily lows temperatures: 2 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 4 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 3 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 27 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1980 through May 1981
Daily Low temperatures: 1 Lowest high temperatures: 3 Daily High temperatures: 2 Highest daily lows temperatures: 1 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 34 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 21 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1979 through May 1980
Daily Low temperatures: 20 Lowest high temperatures: 24 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 13 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 80 Days with deepest snowpack: 45 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 151 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1978 through May 1979
Daily Low temperatures: 11 Lowest high temperatures: 22 Daily High temperatures: 1 Highest daily lows temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 6 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 5 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 136 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1977 through May 1978
Daily Low temperatures: 5 Lowest high temperatures: 24 Daily High temperatures: 0 Highest daily lows temperatures: 1 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 7 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 2 Days with lowest snowpack: 1 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 109 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1976 through May 1977
Daily Low temperatures: 4 Lowest high temperatures: 5 Daily High temperatures: 9 Highest daily lows temperatures: 0 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 92 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 22 The winter of 'un'- by far the least amount of snow in any winter with 186½" |
Winter Record Summary, November 1975 through May 1976
Daily Low temperatures: 3 Lowest high temperatures: 1 Daily High temperatures: 7 Highest daily lows temperatures: 3 Days with most snowfall on a given date: 3 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Consecutive days with the high at or below freezing: 27 |
Winter Record Summary, November 1974 through May 1975
Daily Low temperatures: na Lowest high temperatures: na Daily High temperatures: na Highest daily lows temperatures: na Days with most snowfall on a given date: 2 Days with maximum winter snowfall total to date: 0 Days with deepest snowpack: 0 Days with lowest snowpack: 0 Temperature data from this winter is not used due to inaccurate measuring methods. |