May 23. The Robins have tried to settle in for the summer three different times but the weather chases them out. The first one here to set up a territory was March 06, the earliest on record by two days. New arrivals have started to show up with Northern Flickers April 03, Dark Eyed Juncos April 10, Red Napped Sapsuckers April 11, Fox Sparrows April 18 and Mountain Bluebird and Ruby Crowned Kinglets April 19. The Red Winged Blackbirds showed up April 21 followed by a Song Sparrow on the 29th. I have never seen the Song Sparrows here early before, just the very similar Fox Sparrows, so i am not sure what is up with that. As May came the Tree Swallows arrived on the 4th. some Mourning Doves came through on the 7th, Violet-green Swallows moved in on the 13th, and on the 14th Yellow Rumped Warblers and the first Broad Tailed Hummingbirds arrived with the White Crowned Sparrows on the 17th. Late in the month saw Yellow Warblers May 29 and Pine Siskins the 31st.
For the mammals, the first Chipmuck emerged and was out moving around, not just poking it's head up, on March 22, the first time ever in March while the first ground squirrel was seen April 15 and first marmot April 19. A Pine Marten has been around a lot more than in recent years. After seeing both long and short tailed weasels and snowshoe hare tracks earlier in the winter, there were not as many signs of them of towards late winter, but there has been more of a coyote presence than in quite a while, though they stay far from people. The moose were here quite often much of the winter and took some time away from here until returning mid May. I saw a Wyoming Ground Squirrel up valley on May 01- they are newly migrating into this area.
For the mammals, the first Chipmuck emerged and was out moving around, not just poking it's head up, on March 22, the first time ever in March while the first ground squirrel was seen April 15 and first marmot April 19. A Pine Marten has been around a lot more than in recent years. After seeing both long and short tailed weasels and snowshoe hare tracks earlier in the winter, there were not as many signs of them of towards late winter, but there has been more of a coyote presence than in quite a while, though they stay far from people. The moose were here quite often much of the winter and took some time away from here until returning mid May. I saw a Wyoming Ground Squirrel up valley on May 01- they are newly migrating into this area.
Below right is a Rosy Finch as it perches under a building eve for the night. They do this much of the winter though my guess is they fly to Mt. CB to the feeders in the daytime. Otherwise they skim seeds from plants still sticking out in the snow.